Any sufficiently
advanced technology
is indistinguishable
from magic.

My technology stack


Detailed knowledge in object oriented programming principles and software architecture in general.


Understanding of functional side of the language and extensive use of browser and node API's.


Gives me structure which is much appreciated in large projects. Also has advanced programming concepts like generics.


Use it as my daily driver for at least 8 years. This helps me a lot with DevOps jobs.


Encapsulation and repeatability for the masses.

Personal qualities to chose me over.

7+ years of experience

I have worked on various projects from different nature. I've been in many international teams and had a lot of challenges along the way. I have learned from my mistakes but also other peoples mistakes. This gives me unique position to help from you from broader perspective.

Deep Diver

Desire to succeed in what I do and great passion are advancing my skills over and over. There is a single great solution to a challenge and we have limited time to reach for that. I don't give up until a solution is found.

Good communicator

I work with fast machines all the time but never treat a man like one. My colleagues are not human resources and my clients are people and have feelings. Not everything in this world is money and I give people the appreciation they deserve.